Sunday, 5 May 2013
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Free Download Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 v1.0.6.6 Retail With Crack Serial Key Full Version Free Download

Free Download Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 v1.0.6.6 Retail With Crack Serial Key Full Version Free Download 

Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 (CCE-SP3) is a high performance MPEG-2 encoder designed and optimized mainly for DVD, enabling you to create the ultimate level of picture quality at high speed.

Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 is a software-based encoder, and highly utilizes processors for the fastest encoding.
It also implements highly intelligent and complicated algorithms to achieve the highest quality, which gives a great advantage over hardware encoders.
Some of them are totally innovative and unique technologies of Cinema Craft Encoder SP3.

Cinema Craft encoders produce pristine picture quality that is unmatched.
With support for Quicktime Reference Files and animation sequences (BMP, TGA, TIFF, PNG and JPEG), no studio should be without this tool.
Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 is a standalone encoding application and does not include a plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro.

There is a growing need for much higher picture quality in DVD production industry.
In addition to CCE-SP2, CCE-SP3 includes "CINEMA CRAFT Xtream" (CCX) encode engine that is highly rated by many compressionists around the world and has been utilised to create a considerable number of DVD titles.


• Sophisticated Motion Estimation
• Automatic Field-based Scene Change Detection
• AAGS: Advanced Adaptive GOP Structure
• AAQM: Advanced Adaptive Quantize Matrix
• VMPE: Virtual Multipass Encoding
• I-Frame Insertion
• Segment Re-encoding
• Pre-Filtering (noise reduction, linear and non-linear filters)
• VBR Bitrate Allocation Graph
• Hybrid encoding engine (CCX/CCE)
• Optimized for CPU (Maximum 8-core)
• High-quality and high-speed encoding by file input
• Multipass encoding
• Easy and Flexible Inverse 3:2 Pulldown with i32 file

Encode engine enabling high picture quality
CCE-SP3 includes Virtual Multi-Pass Encoding, Advanced Adaptive Quantize Matrix and Advanced Adaptive GOP Structure.
The latter features can automatically optimize for the best quantize matrix and GOP structure for each GOP.

Input formats:
MOV (Quicktime)
DV (file)
Quicktime reference
BMP (sequence)

Output formats:
Video CD 2.0, SVCD 1.0


[Fix] Modified so that "out of memory" error will not happen when avisynth script file is used as a source file.
[Add] Modified so that output folders can be fixed.
[Add] Modified so that default template set can be specified.

PLATFORM: Windows XP/Vista/ 7
FILES : 5.6mb
COMPRESS: WinRar - Added 5% Recovery Record
FIX : Retail

Password = 4shar1ng

Direct Download PC Setup File
Note: Install It Completely To Get Setup.exe


  1. Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 offers an efficient solution for video encoding. Play Snake Game Its free download availability is a valuable resource for users seeking high-quality compression.


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